
Who's fault
Each house can recap a glance
Full no Azhar
[human being
Hardness lies somewhere in the mood
Vicious lies somewhere misfortune
No light in someone's eyes
Children without legs anywhere.
There is incomplete figures
Flawless is only Allah
Allah is free from any defect
As it is not covered.
Several ongoing story disability
Many youth are getting lost
Heart wall or a heart attack
Is a crack on the head
Many diseases of the eye and body
Where he will start
Hidden secrets like these faults
Is a disgrace and a privilege
No creature is not without blemish
Why does the sun go mourning
Allah is free of faults only
The universe is a witness
Who love peace and the security
Defect removal is a forgiving God
He will rise against storm
He would not leave them in trouble foothills
If we suddenly appear to be defective
Still not out of faith
The creation of the faults
The fall better to perfect
very nice